This week we are shining the light on one of our most recent team members Syeda Hafsa Masood who joined us as a Web Systems Developer earlier this year. We asked Hafsa to go under the spotlight and fill us in on her role, her journey and thoughts for the industry for the next five years:
Describe your role in 5 words: Creating and Maintaining Web Applications for inhouse and external projects and UX of Oceanwise data publishing services. Mastering the frameworks deployed to give data services to customers by Oceanwise LTD. Growth oriented and learning based.
What do you feel is the best part of your Job?
Productivity and efficiency hugely depend on an environment that gives you the freedom to explore your unique capabilities ,enhance them and utilise them to your full potential. That’s the thing I like most working at Oceanwise. It’s a very safe environment to utilize, upgrade your skills and put forward any questions. Coding is one skill that needs a lot of individual motivation and out of the box thinking to solve the issues at hand. Oceanwise recognises just that and helps you push forward in that direction without any fear of being judged and giving you full confidence to develop your lesser strong aspects.
Being a part of a data driven business it is very fulfilling to create and work on applications that use various technologies to display, measure useful data and information for the customer. Also, you get to combine the two very interesting worlds of Software development and IOT. The best part about this job is the recognition of all issues that you solve and being applauded for it.
What are your biggest Challenges?
Coding is a challenging field since it’s so mind intensive. It requires you to constantly update your knowledge specially in today’s IT driven world the speed of newer technologies coming into play is faster than ever. Developers must constantly keep on their toes ,learning the newest skill on the market to keep themselves relevant. Also, while working on any project a single bug or issue can give you sleepless nights ,though solving the problem can be even more gratifying.
Tell us about your career path – how did you get here?
Having to constantly move around for most part of my adult life, I took up freelancing at a very early stage of my career after completing my bachelor’s in computer science. Freelancing requires you to work on all aspects of the application yourself, which is why my journey took a little longer, but I finally reached where I wanted with consistency and started, delivering e-commerce application.
After years of doing this, I felt the need to give a new direction to my life and career. After completing my masters, I feel myself lucky to get a job At Oceanwise where I get to work on back-end and front-end applications ,which was exactly what I wanted for my career. I can confidently say that my move was a very prolific one.
The web development industry is notoriously agile and fast moving. What do you think will be the biggest influences in the next 5 years?
In the next five years the web-based applications will move towards more and more responsive options. We already develop applications for mobile, tablets and desktop sizes and in the future, smart watches, tv, glass screens etc would also be the norm.
Also, the data that we would be displaying would come from a lot of different places. IOT and AI is already taking over with smart kitchens, parking lots, watches and many more. I think we will have applications displaying more data from sensors, gauges installed in our cars, fridges etc. Needless to say, IOT will rule and web development will be driven by IOT based applications.
Mobile and native applications will become less. With mobile technologies becoming more common a decade back, there was a huge shift towards mobile applications, however this will change now. More dynamic web applications especially Progressive web apps will become more common.
Programming will become more and more component based. JavaScript will become more relevant with frameworks giants like jQuery, React will be used to create platform independent applications. JS will remain the core.
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